Einige Aktionen in Solidarität nach dem Urteil gegen die Gefährt_innen in Aachen

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Kundgebung in Solidarität mit der verurteilten Anarchistin in Aachen


Eiffage vehicle in flames

Today, I was pissed off.
I was enraged by the 7.5-year prison sentence that befell on the anarchist comrade accused of a bank expropriation in Aachen.
Pissed off to learn that the judges decided to keep Kara and Kreme in custody.
A bottle of hydroalcoholic gel emptied on the front wheel and a fire starter sufficed to engulf in flames an Eiffage car, a company that builds cages and deserved all my anger.
Anarchist Solidarity, for a dangerous June
[from: Indy Nantes, Thursday 8 June 2017]



Banner Drop in Solidarität mit der wegen Bankraub in Aachen verurteilten Anarchistin



Barricades in solidarity with the anarchists implicated in the Aachen affair

At the early hours of the 7th of June a street blockade was carried out by setting fire to garbage containers and to tires with the aim of parlysing the traffic entering and leaving from Barcelona through the rovira tunnel.

This action is in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused in the Aachen case, on the day of their verdict.

Freedom for imprisoned comrades!

[Translated from Spanish, found on Indy Barcelone, 07 june 2017]

Attack with paint on the german chamber of commerce in Barcelona, as an answer to the verdict of the Aachen case.

After the verdict of this morning which sentenced an anarchist comrade accused on bank robbery to seven and a half years of prison…

This midday we paid a visit to the german chamber of commerce on Calle Còrsega, n. 301. We redecorated the huge door making one thing clear: CAP CONDEMNA ENS FARÀ CREURE (A) (no sentence will make us believe (A).)
We want to express our solidairty with our comrade, send her and her close comrades an embrace, while pointing out the german entrepreneurial network.

Your sentences cannot stop our ideas, our lives, nor the world we carry in our hearts!
Stealing from a bank is not violence, founding one is!

Long live anarchy!

[Translated from catalan, found on Indy Barcelone, 07 june 2017]

Wilde Demonstration in Solidarität mit den Anarchist*innen in Aachen

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